Our house is a place for rest and recovery. It is our safe haven, our home. However, when we move into a new place, there is always a period of adjustment required before we feel safe and at ease. We’re here to talk about eight different ways to secure your new home after moving in so you can expedite this process and feel right at home.

1.    Make Your Doors Secure

Ideally, you would have ensured that all of the doors in the house are secure before purchasing the property. If you planned to make changes to the house after you moved in, making your doors safe should be the first thing on your to-do list. It would be best to inspect all of your outside doors to ensure that the door frames are sturdy, the hinges are secure, and no one can open the door through the mail hole. If you’re moving into a house that has previously been occupied by someone else, change the door locks. You can always consult a professional if you are unsure how to change the locks or any other aspect of your home. This way, no outsiders will be able to enter your home.

2.    Secure Your Windows

To keep your new home safe, you should install window sensors. Depending on the context, sensors for windows are also known as open/closed sensors or entrance sensors. As soon as a window or a door is opened, a sensor on it will sound an alarm to let you know. To begin protecting your home, you should take care of any possible entry points. It is possible to use sensors in home security and home automation systems. It is also possible to configure these sensors. For example, you could configure it to have your bedroom light turned on if your door stays open after midnight.

A window with white curtains and a potted plant.

Alternatively, if the door is left open while you’re away, you can have it send you a text message. However, there are other things you can do to deter anyone from breaking in, such as:

  • Not leaving any windows open or unlocked.
  • Installing double glazing or laminated/plastic glazing in windows that are easy to access.
  • Ideally, choose locks that attach the window to the frame rather than merely the handle.

3.    Install Outdoor Lighting

Burglars don’t want to feel like they’re in the spotlight when breaking into a property, and exterior lighting might help them do precisely that. Because these are generally opportunity crimes, external lighting may encourage the invader to skip your home and go somewhere else. Instead of leaving your outdoor light on all of the time, you should buy motion-sensor lights that turn on when they sense activity. An intruder will be caught off guard by the illumination and may flee. These lighting systems should have a failsafe. They should always be operational, so you should have a backup electrical system to connect these lights. This is easily accomplished with solar panels. These panels will allow you to rest easy, knowing that no matter what happens, you will always be able to deter opportunistic burglars.

4.    Install an Alarm System

An alarm system attached to the door, as well as a phone.

One of the best ways to secure your new home is by installing an alarm system. Home alarm systems deter many prospective attackers. But, regardless of what most people believe, the fact is that loud noise will always attract attention, which is something that is a huge issue for anyone who is trying to go unnoticed. Most would-be thieves do not want to get caught. You should find out what the best alarm system for your home is. Then, you should test it out, try to bypass it yourself, and see how effective it is. When it comes to alarms systems, you should spare no expense.

5.    Lock Your Garage

People spend a lot of time and money making the obvious places in their houses secure, but they often overlook their garages. Unfortunately, the garage just might be the simplest way of breaking into your new home. First, make sure all of your garage’s standard doors and windows are secured. Next, consider storing your garage door opener at home rather than in your vehicle, where it may be stolen. Finally, keep the inner door between your garage and your house shut and locked. Even if someone gains access to your garage, they will be unable to enter your house.

Like with your windows, you can install sensors that will notify you if and when your garage doors are being tampered with. These technologies let you monitor the state of your garage while you’re away. Likewise, they help you save money and energy that you would have to spend if something were to get stolen.

6.    Install a Surveillance System in Your Home

There is a lot to choose from when it comes to surveillance systems. Depending on which brand and type of camera you opt for, you will be able to see and hear what’s going on around your house. After installing a security system, you can attach the camera feed to an app on your phone. This way, you would be able to monitor the entry points to your house on your phone. During your research, you should look for features like motion-activation, night vision, and audio recording.

7.    Try To Always Have Light On In Your House

Most robbers will not enter your house if you are there. Instead, they’d locate an empty house that they can burglarize quickly and then leave. As a result, making it seem as though someone is home at all times is one of the greatest methods to deter burglars. This might involve leaving an inside light or the TV on throughout the workday. You can employ smart lights within your house. These sorts of light can add to the illusion that you are always home. The light can be configured to turn on and off at regular intervals to resemble a human being at home. This is one of the most overlooked ways to secure your new home.

8. Have a Safe

The last thing we will be talking about on our list of 8 ways to secure your new home after moving in is something that will help you if someone breaks into your home despite all the other security measures you’ve put in place. An in-home safe is a perfect place where you can keep anything from jewels to important papers like passports. You want a fireproof, waterproof, and hefty safe that a burglar cannot singlehandedly carry out. When it comes to larger products like electronics, you may make them more difficult to take by storing them in a hidden location when not in use. Thieves want to get in and out of your house as quickly as possible. Thus, putting as many obstacles as possible in their way will always help.

A surveillance camera mounted on a white wall.
Having a camera system in place will deter any would-be thieves.

Photos courtesy of unsplash.com